Thursday, February 18, 2010

NAMAS is Back!

Hell o Bloggie.

No, I don't come to you only when i'm upset. Don't be hatin'.
So yea, here i am, rock u like a hurricane!

Yep, IT's OVER. Yet AGAIN. I don't know what, why or how it happened. Never saw it comin'. But yeah, it's done for good.

Do YOU believe that everything happens for a reason? I believe, so or least I think so. Seeing him happy, celebrating others, lighting candles for somebody, sitting next to another gender, taking pics, going for movies, holding hands with girls, and God knows whatever else he's done, THAT STINKS but hey who am I to say, we're just friends now. Good on you, buddy, be happy.

I don't know why but everytime i see such pics, it feels like some elephant sit on my tiny heart, literally.Which in real life would be fatal or causing sudden death.Crazy heart. Such feelings please go away and never return! NOT being informed, missing out on things, events SUCK. NOT getting texts BURNS. NOT receiving handmade, stuff with love and NOT hanging out as often is a BITCH. Well, need to get used to all those. Somebody help me? Nah uh, I'll take care of that myself. Thanks anyways!

This is what I look like after crying :P

and I think i know the cause of the stye on my left eye. hahahaha maybe i should stop doing it. Noted God!

to THOSE who actually gives a damn bout me and read my every post,
God Bless YOU.
♥ Azhani


Fareena Zaman said...

I effing do give a damn about how you are,eventho I dont hang out with you as much. But guess what?? I do love you as my bestfriend. I have 2 others living away from me. And I always feel like how can we be good friends when we dont always stick to each other?? i guess I love having good friends this way. Ive got your back and I know this times are tough on ya! It took me 1 year to get over the one before this one. Trust me,time will tell it all. Hugs and kisses from me,save them in a box and when your feeling down open them up and use them to comfort you aight. I agree things happen for a reason,no doubt about that.Believe that everything is a blessing,and something great is gonna come your way. :) Miss you women! crabs??? anytime aight?. xoxo

Anonymous said...

u got my love and support too az!!
i know you are one strong and brave woman, and you know that too! i might not always be close to you there as well, but i'm here . and ena's right,give it some time, it'll heal..
we'll meet up soon k? we'll have great times and leave all those things behind..miss u too.


Azhani M.A.S. said...



Kay said...

...just know're not the only one feeling all that crap...and what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.....