Thursday, June 4, 2009


Where do I begin?

Hmm, tutoring session went alright. Yuan Cheng wasn't shy asking words and sentences that he has problem understanding. He did really well.

Track practice yesterday, Kally did a time test. I ran 300m with Fernie, and my time was 0.58 second. Hers was 1.04 minute. I got the fastest time among other girls :P bangga la ni. Haha Bangla. So Kally has assigned me to go for 200m, 400m and 4x400m event. Supposedly, one person should only participate in one event. Ntah kenapa dia gile. Next, went makan at Tanjung with few of them. Fernie quoted "Eh the naan here is way better than at Silva and Darussalam" I could only smile to her statement. Done with that, while in the car, Joshan and Fernie persuaded me to go for INTIBall. I told them those events are not my cup of tea. They didn't stop promoting. Both said "Come la, your final year in inti ma, u should go!" "I will vote u for prom queen if u come" What nonsense, these two gile fellas. Thanks, but no thanks! ;)

Tomorrow should be fun. Aliah's coming down, track practice is on, maybe play some netball in between with Adlina and Ena. Next off to get a gift for Azam with Ena, Izzy & Aliah. Can't wait to be with you ladies!

Ta for now!

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