Monday, July 13, 2009


Haven't been sleeping well, been doing assignments till late at night.
With the total of 4 Individual Assignments and 4 Group Assignments
I don't think I'll be able to sleep the way I normally do, well at least until all of this is over with.

Individual Assignment (s) :-

Course Due Date
MKT 472 July 10th '09
MKT 473 Sept 1st '09
HRM 466 Sept 4th '09
MGT 423 Sept 4th '09

Group Assignment (s) :-

MKT 472 Sept '09
MKT 473 Jan '10
HRM 466 Jan '10
MGT 423 Jan '10

Hope everything will go well.


Fareena Zaman said...

Try get some good rest when you can.
Go out for a good fresh air :)

I know you can! Positive Chi!

Mine is just about to start. Your almost done with yours. Keep Going! Your in my prayers. Amin.

Azhani M.A.S. said...

I get most of my break during weekends. I'd sleep like a bear would hibernate during winter. Hehe. I do go out and do some exercise and stuff, if I'm not too exhausted from doing work.

Thanks for the encouragement!
You're in my prayers too, no doubt.
